Ham Radio
Ham Radio CD-ROM (Emerald Software) (1995).ISO
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Text File
97 lines
│ Sample Configuration File │
Configuration items must be enclosed in curly braces and must all be
present in the order shown. The file is otherwise "free form." See
Online Help.
Items marked with a "*" may be changed for the current session using
the Internal Editor. Others are checked only at startup and are
usually controlled by key commands or macros during a session.
│Communications and Modem│
1 {1} Initial serial port (1-4)
2 * {2400,8} Default parms: Speed, Format
3 {no} Start with AutoBaud detect on (yes,no)
4 * {AT S0=0 S7=45 E0 Q0 V1 X4 &C1 &D2 |}
Modem init string (see COMMO.DOC)
5 * {ATDT} Dial prefix #1 (default) see Online Help
6 * {} Dial prefix #2
7 * {} Dial prefix #3
8 * {} Dial prefix #4
9 * {|} Dial suffix
10 * {45} Dialing cycle time-out (seconds)
11 * {2} Inter-dial delay (seconds)
12 * {CONNECT} Dialing success response(s)
13 * {BUSY,NO CARRIER,NO DIALTONE} Dialing failure response(s)
14 * {yes} Clear dialing marks when saving directory (yes,no)
15 * {no} Drop DTR and RTS on exit (yes,no)
16 * {} Com1 Port address and IRQ overrides.
17 * {} Com2 These are normally left blank.
18 * {} Com3 Refer to Online Help for
19 * {} Com4 important details.
│ASCII Upload│
20 * {yes} Expand blank lines (yes,no)
21 * {yes} Strip linefeeds (yes,no)
│Paths and Files│
22 * {c:\commo} Path to find uploads
23 * {c:\commo} Path to place downloads
24 {c:\commo\commo.cap} Path,name for initial Capture File
25 {c:\commo\commo.scn} Path,name for initial Screen Image file
│Colors│ First digit is background, may be 0 thru 7
└──────┘ Second digit is foreground, may be 0 thru F
0 black 4 red 8 dk. gray C lt. red
1 blue 5 magenta 9 lt. blue D lt. magenta
2 green 6 brown A lt. green E yellow
3 cyan 7 lt. gray B lt. cyan F white
26 * {07,no} Terminal screen colors,
enable mono attributes (yes,no)
27 * {17} File window text colors
28 * {60} File window border colors
29 * {5e} File window selector bar colors
30 * {47} Small window text colors
31 * {60} Small window border colors
32 * {30} Status line colors
33 {yes} Start with sound on (yes,no)
34 * {yes} Dialing connection alarm (yes,no)
35 * {yes} ASCII Upload finished alarm (yes,no)
36 * {3} Maximum number of alarm rings (0-999)
37 {no} Default to Dialing Directory (yes,no)
38 {no} Start with Capture File open (yes,no)
39 {no} Start with Local Echo on (yes,no)
40 {yes} Start with ANSI screen controls on (yes,no)
41 {no} Start with Signal Lights on (yes,no)
42 * {no} Snow checking (CGA), slower display (yes,no)